The latest Lady Velvet Cabaret newsletter is online now! Click here to check it out and catch up with all the latest news & information including details about our upcoming burlesque show at The Rosemount Hotel, the next one day Vintage Pinup workshop, the upcoming Hit 92.9 Purple Brala for Breast Cancer Care WA, course dates, and private dance and vocal lessons! There’s so much happening at Lady Velvet Cabaret, […]
Following the success of our recent Winter Sweethearts one day vintage pinup workshop, we’re pleased to announce the next session! Join us on 2nd of August for our Sea Sirens one day workshop! Participants will be guided by celebrated plus size pinup and fashion stylist Sugar du Joure, who will reveal hair and make up tips, as well as styling and posing tricks. She will also help participants get […]
Warming things up with Winter Sweethearts Pinup Workshop! We had an absolute ball at the Winter Sweethearts vintage pinup one day workshop! The sold out workshop was so much fun and it was so wonderful to see girls swapping stories, tips, props and making connections (hello our growing instagram following list!). Sugar du Joure was so warm and friendly – by the end of the workshop all participants were well […]